One of the best compliments I get from my newborn clients is when I get that email that yes, they’d love to enroll their child in The Baby Plan. The Baby Plan is offered exclusively to my newborn clients as a way to document baby’s first year milestones! With a session at 6 months and at a year we are sure to get a variety of images of your baby (and your family) reaching those milestones. When I look back to see how much my Baby Plan babies have changed over the first year- it’s truly an amazing sight!
It seems like just yesterday I was photographing Owen as a newborn and now he has already come back for his 6 month session! Full of smiles and laughs! Each baby reaches their milestones at different times but six months is generally where I get great eye contact, smiles, grabbing toes, sitting up, and maybe even starting to crawl!
Owen’s session was held at Katy Heritage Park at sunset and there is nothing I love more than a baby in overalls! Here are a few of my favorite images from our session…
Owen as a newborn on the left and at 6 months on the right.